Contoh Soal Dan Kunci Jawaban Noun Clause

Untuk memahami materi tentang noun clause tentunya anda harus rajin mengerjakan soal toefl noun clause untuk latihan dan mempermudah dalam pemahaman materi ini. selain dalam mata pelajaran umum dikelas, soal-soal tentang noun clause akan sangat mudah anda jumpai pada beberapa test format, seperti toefl, sbmptn, atau test untuk universitas seperti stan. Silahkan baca dan pahami beberapa soal-soal berikut ini dari materi noun clause.
Soal Noun Clause
1. . . . Rita told us earlier was not a lie
a. That
b. if
c. What
d. How
2. I promise . . . I will take care of you
a. Whether
b. Why
c. What
d. That
3. I predict …
a. That will she be able to make decisions in an emergency situation
b. That she will be able to make decisions in an emergency situation
c. Whoever will listen
d. Will whoever listen
4. Anita talks about her early life experiences with …
a. Whoever will listen
b. Will whoever listen
c. That will she be able to make decisions in an emergency situation
d. That she will be able to make decisions in an emergency situation
5. We wonder …
a. If does he work at Philadelphia General Hospital
b. If he works at Philadelphia General Hospital
c. Who Niels Bohr was
d. Who was Niels Bohr
Kunci Jawaban Noun Clause
1. a. That
2. d. That
3. b. That she will be able to make decisions in an emergency situation
4. a. Whoever will listen
5. b. If he works at Philadelphia General Hospital
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